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IIS E.Mattei Recanati

Fields of Education

The student gratuated in Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy has specific skills with materials, with their treatment and processing; he has skills with machines and devices used by manufacturing industries, agricultural, transport and services in different economic contexts.

The students' profile is developed according to the choice of the following courses:

  • MECHANICS AND MECHATRONICS - DESIGN: mechatronics designer and CAD designer, CAM expert, computer-graphics expert;

  • ENERGY: designer of thermal and energy systems, CAD and 3DCAD designer, alternative energies expert.


The student graduated in Chemicals, Materials and Biotechnologies:

-has specific skills with the field of materials and chemical-biological instrumental analysis;

-has skills with production of processes in chemical fields, in food, in biological, pharmaceutical, dyeing and tanning, products for the technological and organizational adaptation of the companies;

-has skills in the sector of prevention and management of health and environmental risk situations.

The students' profile is developed according to the choice of this course:

  • CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS: old and new generation materials expert; environmental, pharmaceutical, cosmetical and food lab technician; environmental hygiene lab technician; systems control, planning and management lab technician.

  • ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGIES: diagnostic control techniques expert, environmental monitoring expert, pollution control lab technician; environmental hygiene lab technician.


It offers two courses of study: "I.T." and "Telecommunications".

The student gratuated in "I.T." or in "Telecommunications":

  • has specific skills with computer systems, data processing, applications and web technologies, networks and communications equipment;

  • has particular skills related to the analysis, the planning, the installation and the management of: computer systems;

  • deals with databases, computer networks, multimedial systems and devices to transmit and receive signals;

  • has skills oriented to the management of the life cycle applications;

  • works toghether with projects management, operating under national and international regulations concerning the safety in all its forms and the protection of the information.

With the "I.T." course you will get skills characterizing the vocational profile in relation to processes, products and services, with particular reference to the innovative aspects and applied research, for the implementation of I.T. solutions to support business operating both in the inside and in the foreign markets. 

With the"Telecommunications" course you will get skills characterizing the vocational profile in relation to communication infrastructures and processes to achieve them, with particular reference to the innovative aspects and applied research. The vocational profile allows effective integration with a variety of business contexts, with the possibility to improve the skills related to the different local characteristics and needs.


The student graduated in "Maintenance and technical assistance" has specific skills with the management and organization, the installation and maintenance of small systems and technical equipments. 

Its technical and vocational skills are related to business of the different productive sectors (electronics, electrical engineering, computer science, automation etc.) and specifically developed in relation to the local needs.

Laboratory activities

In this course laboratory activities are privileged (electronic, IT, measures, automation, home automation, physics, chemistry laboratories); pactical courses, internships, business tours and vocational stages are normally scheduled from the third to the fifth year of the course.


Institution of higher education "Enrico Mattei" - Via Brodolini 14 - Recanati, MC, 62019 - Telephone: +39 0717570504 - - Fiscal Code: 82000990430

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